The Canine Good Citizen in a 10 part test designed to show how well behaved your dog is in public. As an Evaluator, I've tested hundreds of dogs for others and this is a great benchmark of performance. I know that I personally make decisions of where to refer people outside our service area based on the pass/fail rate of certain trainer's students!
The video showcases the testing exercises in action:
The actual skills needed to pass the test are: Loose leash walking, Sit, Down, and Come.
Our Master dogs, learn these skills in the first 2 weeks of training so we set up to have them evaluated by an outside Trainer to ensure the integrity of the test and our training program. The CGC test is a good benchmark to reach. As of this date, we have tested 12 training dogs with outside Evaluators and all 12 have passed the CGC on the first try!
Not interested in doing the Master Course but want to get your pup ready for the CGC? We also offer a CGC Prep Lesson Package! This is series of 3 Private Lessons set to get you and your pup ready for to take the test which is included at completion of the training!
Below is just some of our recent graduates!